
Mis Observaciónes

I’ve completed my second week in Buenos Aires and I’ve already noticed a lot of cultural differences. Here’s a list of a few major ones (in no particular order)…

1. Argentinians love jamón: It’s on everything, pizza, burgers, pasta, salad, empanadas etc.

2. They also love mozzeralla and bleu cheese: I can’t find Cheddar cheese any where

3. Reckless driving is the norm: Taxi drivers drive without using their hands or with their eyes on the road.

4. Cockroaches rule the night: Saw my first mutant cockroach on the second night walking home, it was bigger than a water bug. I almost died. I’ve seen several more outside at night, still can’t get used to it.

5. You bag your own groceries: Why hire a bagger when you can do it yourself? Argentinian grocery stores charge for plastic bags, offer free delivery yet requires self bagging service.

6. Paradoxical Politics: I’ve had a few small conversations with Argentinians and they bring up politics. They usually find a way to insult America and their country but also mention how much better Argentina is as compared to the States.

7. Water is NEVER FREE: Most restaurants will not give you a free glass of water by default. One must order water sin gas for 20 pesos.

8. Hamburgers: Sometimes hamburgers are literally just the burger patty. The patties are cooked to perfection and delicious just different than the loaded options we have in the States.

9. Bils: When eating in a group, separate checks are unheard of. Waiters/Waitress bring one check and a 10 percent tip is expected always.

10. Most Argentinians don’t carry compactable umbrellas: It has been raining for the last few days and I’ve noticed people using large umbrellas (random observation).

11. ADA accessibility: There are a lot of stairs in Buneos Aires, I have not seen many ramps for those in wheelchairs.

12. PDA: No shy couples here. On the way home from dinner in the Palmero barrio we stumbled on a couple who was on third base. Scarred for life.

13. No Structure is the Structure: As a planner, this part of the culture causes frustration but I have to deal with it.

14. Kissing is OK: In classic Italian flare, Argentinians say hello and good bye with a side face kiss gesture. Man on man, woman on woman, or vice versa. That’s how it goes. I still forget sometimes but I am getting better.

15. Measurements: Argentina is in line with the rest of the world. They measure the temperature with Celsius, time with the 24-hour clock and use the metric system.

16. Buffets: You pay after you eat. There might be some like this in America but I’ve always paid for a buffet before eating.
